Posts tagged datamapper


Database Versioning

databases activerecord sequel datamapper | comments

Migrations bother me.

On one hand, migrations are the best solution we have for the problem of versioning databases. The scope of that problem includes merging schema changes from different developers, applying schema changes to production data, and creating a DRY representation of the schema.

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Database URLs

activerecord databases datamapper sequel | comments

DataMapper and Sequel both use urls for configuring database connections:

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A Taste of the Future

ruby merb thin rspec datamapper | comments

Yesterday I had a chance to tinker around with a new project using Merb, DataMapper, RSpec, and Thin. Merb + Thin means your app serves up pages twice as fast, with half the memory. Merb + DataMapper means your app is threadsafe. RSpec + DataMapper means your tests are completely independent of the database - which means no db:test:prepare step, so the tests run lightning fast and without fragile database dependencies.

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