Speaking Gigs


Fri Mar 21 13:54:00 -0700 2008

In descending order of size (and, coincidentally, reverse order of chronology):

  • Railsconf 2008, at the end of May. My topic is “Custom Nginx Modules: Accelerate Rails, HTTP Tricks.” Even if you’re not specifically interested in Nginx modules, a lot of the talk will on my theory of how HTTP is the enabling protocol in the era of cloud computing. The significance of HTTP goes way beyond just serving web pages and web APIs.
  • Silicon Valley Ruby Conference, on Friday, April 18th at 2:30pm. My topic here is “Cluster Management with rush, the Ruby Shell.”
  • Cloud Computing Demo Camp, on March 24 (next Tuesday). I’ll be doing a quick Heroku demo and discussing a few implications of running on top of EC2, and how on-demand services in general are going to transform the landscape of IT infrastructure over the next few years.